The Leading Light for business development

Let us show you how to find your ideal clients, and how to retain them for life.

Who we are


We’re a light in the dark

We’re tenacious and fiercely loyal

We’re encouragers and champions

We are Leading Light Business Development

How can we help?

You launched your business because you wanted the freedom to do what you’re really good at. 

You’ve stayed in business because you know that people need what you have to offer

But you didn’t get into business just to end up feeling like a glorified salesperson

You know there’s huge potential in your business but you can’t seem to unlock it.

If you are reading this (thank you!), then there’s a good chance you’re an amazing and passionate business owner who has at least one of the following challenges:

  • Finding enough of the right clients for your business
  • Achieving the level of sales you know your hard work and dedication deserves. 
  • Retaining your ideal clients for longer.

You need to know two things. First, you’re not alone. I know you can feel overwhelmed by the pressures you face, but every entrepreneur has been in your situation so you’re in good company. Second, I know that growing your business can feel like an uphill struggle but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Hi, I’m Erica

It’s great to meet you! I run Leading Light.

This isn’t a sales pitch, a long-list of wild promises or the usual marketing BS. You’ve seen enough of those to know when you’re being ‘sold’ to and I refuse to play that game. I mean, why do the same as everyone else, right?

I want to give you some insight into who I am and let you decide if I might be the right person to help you with your sales and business development challenges.

Because that’s what I do and I’m not ashamed to say that I’m really good at it. So, you’ve got a choice: you can either close this right now or you read on. It’s your call…

My mission

My mission is to be the Lady with the Lamp: shining a light to navigate the challenges of generating meaningful sales and, by providing training, insight and ongoing support, empower and equip entrepreneurs to create a steady pipeline of leads and new business from ideal clients so they can run thriving businesses that enable them to live the lives they want.