My service to you
If you’ve got this far, then I suspect that what I’ve said resonates with you, and you want a bit more detail on how I can help you generate more sales. So here goes…
The Leading Light way
Relationships: putting people first
I believe that people, and the relationships we build with them, are the heart and soul of any organisation.
Integrity: the truth matters
I believe that total honesty is the fuel that drives successful and ongoing partnerships.
Compassion: being tough but kind
I believe that hard truths are easier to hear if they are delivered with kindness and care.
Actions speak louder.
These three core values are the foundation stones of why I do what I do.
They drive me to be (and do) better, provide a powerful framework for supporting my clients and keep me focussed on delivering my services.
Do these values align with yours? If so, read on…

How I can help
Strike the Match
Two short sessions over Zoom to help you address a specific challenge you’re facing with real-world, practical advice and ideas that you can implement immediately. This is then followed by a short check-in a few weeks later to see how you’re doing. You can do this as many times as you need.
Light the Lamp
This is a 6-week programme with a blend of online modules that you can do in your own time and diarised Zoom-based practical sessions to take you through everything you need to know to develop an effective and powerful strategy to grow your business. I’ll then check in with you a few weeks later.
Lead the Way
This is the full Light The Lamp programme with an additional exclusive module plus I will work with you to create and develop a full sales strategy. Once written I will then support and mentor you as you implement that strategy. There will also be two-check-in sessions in the following weeks.
Where do we go from here?
So, you want to grow your business but you’ve got some sales challenges and you know you need some support to make that happen. You’ve read this Manifesto, like what you’ve seen and thinking that I’m the right person to help you. But, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably got some questions or need a bit more information before making a decision.
So your next step is to book a 20-minute call with me so we can have that conversation and give you the clarity you need.
Click the button below. It will take you directly to my calendar so you can book a slot that works for you.